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  • Writer's pictureBayleigh Pearson

lord please give me a title!

Updated: Jun 8, 2018

For the past two days or so, my mind has gone dark in terms of finding inspiration for my future blog posts. The pressure was on especially, for this first one because you can't start off a blog with a weak-sauce intro! If you could see my search history right now, it is at least forty variations of the question, "how to come up with blog content?" and, "best blogs of 2018". I also have a shockingly short attention span when it comes to reading online articles. Its quite a sad and ironic commentary for an aspiring journalist, I know! Apparently, the average blog post is 1,000 to 1,600 words (yes, I googled how long a blog post should be). But to quote the wise Sweet Brown, viral eye-witness and icon, "Ain't nobody got time for that!". So for that simple fact alone, I will keep these posts pretty short and sweet depending on how much content spews out of my head.

A meme a day keeps the lack of inspiration at bay?


I suppose I should provide a disclaimer that all the advice I will be giving is based my personal experience and not professional knowledge. Passing the AP psychology exam surprisingly doesn't qualify me to be a life coach? Shocking. Also, all topics on love and relationships are purely for entertainment because that area of my life is, in fact, a joke. Truly. I chuckle at the tumbleweeds flying through the dusty desolate desert of my heart... There will be no advice going on until further notice. On the flip side of never experiencing a real relationship, I have plenty of advice and encouragement to provide on being single, being rejected *turns towards camera and smiles awkwardly* , and experiencing F.F.F. (Feelings of Freakin' Frustration). In the faith section of my blog, I will be giving you moments of personal revelations with God, encouragement, favorite sermons and Bible verses, and basically anything that makes you and I wanna say, "Yass! preeeaaacchhhh!". There are so many times in which God snatches my edges with a Bible passage, sermon, worship song, or quote. Those are the things I want to share with you guys so that maybe we can both be bald in the name of Jesus.

The advice portion of my blog with be a lot of "idk tho" moments.


Blog topics are really difficult to come up with, surprisingly. Since the moment terrible things have been happening to me and to the people in my life, I have been told that I have the gift of wisdom. I thought that wisdom would make this whole topic brainstorming jam easier, but so far, I have been blank. I feel like this blog is taunting me. It's probably pointing at my two braincells doing the Macarena dance saying, "is THIS your content?" in an aggressive Kilmonger voice (Black Panther reference for those who quite frankly, shouldn't be on this website if they needed to know this was a Black Panther reference). I want to give you all the very best and also, the most honest content possible. I am opening up the disorganized, confusing closet of my life to you guys and I am just praying you are not mortified at what you find in there! I think Twitter kind of reminds us that we are all living similar lives in one way or another. Sometimes I will see posts on Twitter and just sit there completely in awe at how relatable it is. Knowing you are not alone in how you go about situations or think through moments of your life creates an atmosphere of community and comfort. That type of feeling inspires me. I want to write about life experiences and moments that can reach some part of everyone's heart. Laugh with me, get emotional with me, feel empowered with me. Just do this with me.


If you think blog topics are hard, let me tell you how painfully trying it is to come up with titles! The one I made for this post is literally my prayer about a minute after beginning to compose this post... You want them to be funny, punny, captivating, click bate-ish, and clever. My photo caption game is so strong on Instagram and Twitter, that people actually text and call me to come up funny captions for them. I am so renowned for being punny, that my now-married friend inquired for me to make her wedding hashtag! (she didn't use it though... my point is now void). Am I bragging about peaking in something completely irrelevant to the scale of life as we know it? Precisely. Anywho, my punny talent that I have taken to South Beach, unfortunately has not translated to the world of blogging. Not yet anyways. I need a season or two to improve my (Twitter) handles. HA! get it? Handles? As in basketball handling skills, but also incorporated the topic at hand which is social media like Twitter??? "If you have to explain it it isn't funny, Bayleigh."


I will strive to have well-thought out content for you very soon so do not give up on me yet, okay? I need to rack up a large enough following to have a reason to spend money on upgrading this page and/or buying an actual domain that is free of ads all over the place! Friends, please stroke my ego in the comments below. Like, subscr-- woah, what am I? A youtuber? Glad you asked, my channel is coming soon, or whenever I can con myself into talking to an inanimate object for hours at a time! But seriously, if you could subscribe to get weekly updates on when I post that would be awesome. I need online clout. How do I end this thing? Post over.

And now I shall wait for people to read this post...

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